Southill Primary School

"A caring, family school"

Reporting Absence

How to report an absence from school:

If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, please ensure it is reported no later than 8.30am and that it is reported via class dojo to the school office account. Alternatively, you can call the office on 01462 813312.

If your child needs to attend an appointment during school hours then this must be put in writing again via class dojo to the school office. We will also require proof of any appointment your child is attending for their records. This is so that we can monitor attendance accordingly.

If you are requesting a leave of absence for your child for a holiday or other occasion, this will need to be in writing via email where each request will be reviewed as to whether it will be an authorised or unauthorised absence.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Message from the Headteacher:

Dear parents and carers,

I have been sent this letter - - from the Department of Education, regarding attendance at school and thought it would have some useful information for you in the links.

Best wishes

Sam Barlow


Message from the Headteacher:

Dear parents and carers,

Please see the information about school attendance which we have been asked to share by the Department for Education

Best wishes

Sam Barlow

Updated: June 2024