Southill Primary School

"A caring, family school"


Years 1 and 2

Welcome to Swallows Class.

Hello and welcome to Year 1/2!

Our teacher is Mrs Eames and our teaching assistant is Miss Amer. Our classroom is bright, well-resourced and learning is designed to be challenging for all learners and engaging.  We want our children to go away each day feeling they have had a great day.

We enjoy  mathematics daily and spelling grammar and punctuation within English lessons which focus on high quality texts. We are proud to incorporate the Primary Knowledge Curriculum resource in our teaching for geography, history and science and  the curriculum is sequenced carefully to  ensure learning is linked to prior knowledge and that children have a chance to embed this in their long term memories. Art and DT are bespoke to the federation; they are planned and taught by Ms Julia Waby.  We use Sing up to underpin singing in class and the instrumental aspect of learning is provided by Inspiring Music. We are always delighted to share some of our songs and achievements at our half termly assembly to which all parents and carers are invited. 

We have PE lessons twice a week, usually on a Tuesday and Wednesday and we ask that children come into school in their PE kits on these days. PE kit is plain black joggers with a Southill jumper or a plain black hoodie (from a supermarket for example, is best). Please no logos or designs.  

We have plenty of phonics books which are sent home regularly and should be read multiple times to ensure that the decoding for the sound is secure, and we also send home reading for pleasure books.  We love seeing your comments in their home school reading logs and want to make sure children become life-long readers.




Below is our mathematic strategies booklet which shows you how we are taught at school so that you can support us at home.

Derwent and Southill Mathematics Strategies

Our timetable and yearly plan are shown below:

autumn term timetable 2023 1 .pdf